Episode 57 - Twenty Hours: 9:30AM-10:30AM


It's the start of chapter 6, and the clock is ticking. Will the gang be able to prevent their friend's prophesied death - or even figure out who's trying to kill him - in time? Albion speaks in hypotheticals, Desdemona knows what faeries like, Ro un-refuses a call to adventure, and Sylvester has another chance to cook; with special guests Britty Lea as Kris (Who Works At Zabby & Elf's Stone Soup and The Parlor) and Nick Trent as Marcus Wahlbrook.

Starring Christine Tardif as Desdemona Brown, Darius Southland as Dr. Sylvester Coopersmith, Gwen Vetter as Ro Kamen, Thom Freitag as Albion Graves, and Michael Freitag as everyone else. Adventure written by Seth Burton. Soundtrack assistance provided by Rylee G and Amy McNally.

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